Flow (absorbed by Retreats as of June 2017)


In short: To listen to our evolutionary purpose!

Our purpose is to be one of the first shining mushrooms, who provides nutrients to the emerging network of Amanitas in form of:

  • safe spaces for our explorations of being
  • individual and collective, transformative experiences
  • care-taking of imagination
  • relation and deep connection between everyone and everything

by designing collaborative processes that are of service to that which wants to be born, in resonance with what flows and in tune with the heartbeat of our collective.

Steward: Jerónimo Calderón

Talk & work with this team

Slack: #flow




2016: until Aug: Crowdsourced our answer to the ThinkPact Challenge (incl. 3 co-creation family dinners in Bern) and cracked it!

Sept-Oct: Getting the first jedis together in Santa Cruz for our first ReTreat with our emerging identity (who & why)

Nov-Dec: Co-creating Amanita's Theory of Change, growing the mycelium and lining up the next ReTreats

2017: Jan-Feb: ReTreats in Switzerland, Brazil and California! With the resulting ThinkPact specific Theory of Change focusing on the emerging how & what and getting the boards support to move forward!

Mar-May: Setting up the next ReTreat prototype in Switzerland in May in close cooperation with Hosting. Taking our methodology to the next level. Lining up all those new prototypes and assuring overall coherence and flow!

As of June: Flow is integrated directly into Amanitas' retreats to ensure we collectively listen to our evolutionary purpose.

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