Welcome to Amanitas!
You are at the right place at the right time with the right people to be rebellious, playful and immature. The intention of this page is to help you with becoming part of this crazy collaboration we build together from scratch.
Amanitas is a self-organised and decentralised project hence we don't have managers to get the borings things done for us. We are responsible to be creative, to be executive and to be administrative at the same time. The minimum viable structure we're building aims to support us in the best possible way. However everything is highly experimental and emerges on an ongoing basis - so speak up and suggest improvements :)
Provide your email address and phone number to the onboarder person who invited you so we can onboard you to the systems we’re using to collaborate.
Read the Handbook to start with so you can get a sense of what we're building. It will help you to understand why and how we use certain systems. In case you are new to the systems we’re using, get in touch with Architecture of Collaboration circle for more help.
Add your contact details to this database.
Sign up for Slack and Trello - an invite has been sent to you.
We are adding you to our Telegram channel.
Introduce yourself in the general channel on Slack with the following information.
- WHO are you (and not what do you do)?
- Who invited you to the group and in what context?
- How are you planning to contribute?
Start collaborating and be rebellious, playful and immature!