“Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature.”
Tom Robbins
WHO we are
We are Amanitas. Inspired by the servant leadership of this family of mushrooms in nature, we are the fertile grounds, inspiration and networks of collaboration our world needs. Our values are the commons, courageous curiosity, wholeBEING and the magic of nature.
The Magic of Nature: We are dazzled and humbled by the superorganism we are inhabiting, planet earth. We find our inspiration in nature’s wisdom, inventiveness and diversity, embracing our intrinsic interconnectedness.
wholeBEING: We start from our core with kindness and care, uncovering who we are to inform why and how we do what we do as a consequence of our deep inner alignment, authenticity and shared humanity in order to spread wellbeing at the individual, community and global level.
Courageous curiosity: We share a strong desire to learn and grow together because we are humble enough to know that we don’t know. We are in this special liminal space, that initial stage of a process of transition full of the mystery of the unknown. Following a hunch, we dare to fail truly, to listen deeply and learn from and with unlikely allies in order to engage in unprecedented experiments without attachment to outcomes.
Commons: We are creating a self-renewable resource that belongs to everyone sharing our values and intention. Everything we learn, create or receive will be shared open source in its most effective form to benefit the public good.
WHY we are
Our belief is that the systemic change our world needs is a shift of the narrative about what life is about, moving our focus from doing to being (and dancing), because once we focus on who we truly are and aspire to be, the doing we long for follows naturally from our core. We are in a unique position to serve this ancient wisdom by turning it into the desired lifestyle of our generation! We are convinced that this can generate the pull required to spark a wave of innovation, which empowers existing and new decision-makers to embrace the transition and transformation of our belief systems and institutions in order to promote wellbeing, sustainability and awesomeness (for me, us & the world)!
Therefore, our purpose over the next three years is to learn from nature in order to co-develop asocial technologyfor highly effective collaboration between humans of all ages, sizes and materials, which:
Provides fertile grounds for the playful experimentation of being.
Weaves themyceliumbetween like-minded individuals and initiatives in order to facilitate the prototyping of the boldest ideas that emerge.
Curates and shares the inspiration we harvest through powerful storytelling for decision-makers across sectors, generations and the world.
As a consequence of this, Amanitas will no longer be needed in 3 years time.
HOW we are
How we roll is deeply inspired by nature, which is why we consider Amanitas a complex, living organism that is governed by self-organization, listening to our evolutionary purpose and trusting the following design principles of our joint learning journey:
Total responsibility: We all have the obligation to do something about an issue we sense, even if it falls outside of the scope of our roles.
Wholeness: We show up fully, choose radical candor over harmony and put light on our shadows in order to create a safe space that allows us to be our whole self.
Playfulness: We actively choose to get high on life.
Done over perfect: We get shit done.
Openness: We are inclusive and open to a diversity of opinions, integrating apparent paradoxes and facilitating the transition towards mutual respect.
Unreasonableness: We aim at nothing less than systemic change.
Full transparency: Our decision-making, budgeting, dancing and working processes are accessible and intelligible to everyone.
WHAT we are
Over this first year of Amanitas we are:
Co-creating Amanitas identity and evolutionary purpose.
Designing and hosting experiential retreats to walk the talk on exploring “being” and to learn how we can facilitate the shift from doing to being with the vision of having permanent physical spaces in Switzerland and beyond to share our insights from this learning journey with the public.
Gifting gamechangers, decision-makers and unlikely allies with the opportunity to join our learning journey.
Hosting one major retreat in Switzerland to share our insights, which serves as prototype for a potential global “jedi school” in the future to empower individuals, teams and networks to turn sustainable being from theory into reality.
Building the architecture of collaboration that enables Amanitas and its co-creators to unleash our full potential.
Storytelling the shit out of our experience (e.g. book, website, speeches, blogs, hacking existing events, videos, etc.)
Having plenty of FUN, taking ourselves not too serious, failing at a few of the above mentioned points and potentially setting up the next two years of our prank (depending on the resonance of our experiment - we kinda know though already that this will continue, right?!).
Theory of change
Discover it in this video.
"Existence, the physical universe, is basically playful. There is no necessity for it whatsoever. It isn’t going anywhere. It doesn’t have a destination that it ought to arrive at. But it is best understood by analogy with music, because music, as an art form, is essentially playful."
Alan Watts