

Moments in time and space to guide our learning journey of emergence. It is our function to host with you to experiment with spatial and ritual principles of connection and creative chaos within a ecosystem of change.

Together we gracefully host a sense of "home", coherence and stability across ReTreats by tending to the space, the art, the nature, the mystery, the food, the frame and the logistical mischief of bringing people together. Within a mycelial network of global conveignings we are starting with ourselves, and emergent relationships to embrace ‘nature-inspired’ patterns of collaboration and learning.

Our means of implementation move from One’s inner landscape through lateral leadership, into the global story.

By tending to the elements of space and magic we make space [and time] to:

  1. Co-Here : Practicing self awareness and tuning to the present moment

  2. Co-Root : Connecting to one another through shared experience

  3. Co-Spire : Directed and dedicated work and creative time

We are practicing and learning the art of holding space, without owning space. We are not interested in kindergarten classroom dynamics, herding cats nor expert perfectionism, we aim to cultivate self-awareness within our fast changing eco-system, sensing and responding along with our (playful, rebellious and immature) allies.

Hosting a Retreat? A Co-creation Dinner? Festival or Event?

We are here to learn, grow and play with you along this path!

Host: Michelle

Talk & work with this team

Slack: # new channels are created to discuss particular retreats and attendees and hosts hold retreat specific conversations here

Trello: retreat specific trello boards are also created



Co-Creation Dinner 01 : August 16' Bern, Switzerland

Co-Creation Dinner 02 : August 16' Bern, Switzerland

Co-Creation Dinner 03 : August 16' Bern, Switzerland

Retreat 01 : October 16' Santa Cruz, California

  • Playful, rebellious and immature allies come together in Northern California for 7 days of prototyping and visioning. Chaos and creativity collide and the hosting framework is born. A deeper look into 'Being' and 'Doing' begins.

Retreat 02 : February 17' Paraty, Brazil

  • Brazilian Allies gather at Eco Lodge in the rainforest of Paraty. Diverse perspectives emerge on Amanitas and ThinkPact.

Retreat 03 : February 17' Estayvar, Switzerland

  • Swiss Allies gather in a beautiful home, community wheel concept is prototyped and inducted into Hosting Methodology.

Co-Creation Dinner 04 : February 17' San Francisco, California

Retreat 05 : April 17' Napa Valley, California

  • Manifesto focused gathering in tandem is held in parallel with retreat in the South of France. Learning partner concept

Idea for 'Bern Summer Space' emerges. A place to host consistent work, play and visioning sessions from May 16' - Jan 17'.

Neighborhood Gathering : May 17' Bern, Switzerland

Co-Creation Day 01 : May 17' Bern, Switzerland

  • Thinkpact focused event with 30-40 co-creators.

Retreat 06 : May 17' Bern, Switzerland

  • Part I. Thinkpact Focused Retreat to co-create Bern City Prototype

  • Part II. Amanitas Team Retreat

Retreat 07 : July 17'

  • OuiShare : Conference Retreat Prototype

  • 'World Wildlife Fund : Learning Day

Retreat 07 : Aug 17'

  • Distributed Retreat Happy [Bern] Lab
  • WBP 2.0 Cohort 1 Retreat
  • 24h Wellbeing for Welldoing: Men's Retreat

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