
Hosts in Amanitas faciliate teams and ensure that the activities of the team they are stewarding are coordinated with the rest of the Mycelium.

The role of hosts includes:

Team faciliation & support

Ensure that roles & responsibilities in your team are clear, deadlines are met, support is available and conflicts are addressed. Hosts are not responsible for the outcomes of their team, but for providing the support and framework it needs to operate in a healthy manner. They do not need to give direction or find answers, but empower their team to find answers themselves. Here you may find amodel agendafor your regular team meetings.

Coordination with other Amanitas teams

Join ourbi-monthly hosts callsto surface topics that need addresing with all Amanitas hosts (see time in Amanitas calender).

Join the slack channel #team-hoststo coordinate easily with other teams.

Support the nutrient distribution process

Hosts need to make sure that regular nutrient distributiontakes place within the 3 month sprint rhythm. This includes making time for conversations around nutrient distribution by scheduling calls to define work packages. Hosts do not need to provide all the support themselves, but are expected to ask for support from the Arc of Collaboration team when needed.

>> Read more about nutrient distribution

Manage team budget

Unless another person is chosen to do this, team hosts are responsible for managing the budget of their team (we call this being the "budget owner"). They must ensure that thetab for their team is updated in thefinance dashboardevery time a nutrient distribution has been validated, to enable proper tracking of financial transactions.


Each team has 1-2 hosts.To see who is the host of each team, please read thefollowing pages, where you can find one page per Amanitas team.

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