Architecture of Collaboration
The purpose of this team is to enable Amanitas team members to develop their full potential and create a framework for fluid communication, collaboration, decision and strategy making. It is a sensor for how Amanitas is evolving and continously adapts our collaboration infrastructure and decision making processes to its new form. Therefore, this team holds space for permanent reflectiveness and self-adaptation. Secondly, this team provides support for financial decisions to be made within each team and finances are transparent and followed up with. This team supports stewards with facilitating the nutrient distribution processes in their individual teams.
Host: Yoko Malbos
Talk & work with this team
Slack: #arcofcollaboration
June onward: Team reshuffle with Francesca, Tamas and Kristoffer tking a step back and Yoko taking leadership to transition Amanitas 1.0 to 2.0 and further develop Arc of Collaboration to make it self sustainable and entirely self managed by Septembre. Stewards are renamed hosts.
Jan - May 2017: Team reshuffle with Tamas and Kristoffer joining to replace Yoko. First adaptation phase of revolving the setup collaboration tools to what is really needed, since the first Amanitas projects started emerging. Responding to the question of how to structure the Amanitas Mycelium and how new teams can be created. As a result, creation of the fractal circle-project/prototype, as well as the steward structure and coordination. Reorganization and merging of exsiting Amanitas teams to be coherent. Creation of the basic onboarding process for stewards.
Oct-December 2016: inital setting up of all communication, collaboration and decision making infrastructure, building a first prototype for nutrient distribution - with Yoko Malbos and Francesca. Creation of the Amanitas Finance dashboard & setting up of specific rules for managing it in a distributed manner, as well as invoicing.