Welcome to the Amanitas Handbook!

This is a living document about how Amanitas functions as a living, working organism. This basic documentation aims to serve as introductory content for the onboarding of new Amanitas team members, to make it easier for them to join the team.

This handbook will be collectively edited by the Amanitas team over time and was started by the Architecture of Collaboration team, Francesca Pick and Yoko Malbos.


I) Amanitas Identity: WHO, WHY, WHAT & HOW, as well as the Theory of Change

II) A Fractal Purpose Driven Structure

III) Teams, People and You

IV) Collaboration Tools

V) Self-management Structures and Processes

VI) Stigmergy

Would you like to make changes or improvements? Contact the Architecture of Collaboration Team, who will make the change or add you as a contributor to the Handbook.

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